joi, 31 octombrie 2013 Demon!
Ce mi-a adus linistea demonul
Ce-mi tulbura privirea.
Esti ingerul,
Ce-mi mangaie chipul demonul
Ce-mi ia avantul.
Esti ingerul,
Ce-mi da lumina demonul
Ce ma cufunda-n umbra.
Esti ingerul,
Ce chipu-mi lumineaza demonul
Ce ma-ntristeaza.
Esti ingerul,
Ce imi da viata demonul
Ce mi-o reteaza.
luni, 21 octombrie 2013
The rain
Feel my heart with cold,
Rains outside, rains in heart,
Feel you so apart.
Rainy days, rainy soul
Remember when you were my all,
Rains outside, rains in heart
Kept me closer to your warmer heart.
Rainy days, rainy soul
Remember what your promises were
Rains outside, rains in heart
You'll grow old behalf my side.
Rainy days, rainy soul
Now is just the cold,
Rains outside, rains in heart
No more hugs to warmer heart.
sâmbătă, 5 octombrie 2013
.....Love me loud
That has not come,
For the dreams
That became dust,
For the love
I no longer trust,
.....Love me loud.
Dance me... to the end of love!
On the beat.
Dance me fast,
In your chest.
Dance your beauty,
In my eyes.
Dance a lifetime,
In my arms.
Dance my dreams,
Beyond yours.
Dance me...
To the end of love!
duminică, 13 februarie 2011
Un vis..!
duminică, 6 februarie 2011
Ai fost asa de aproape
De a fi un trecator
Destinul insa nu a vrut,
Din viata mea sa pleci asa usor.
As vrea ca sa blestem destinul
Ca te-a adus in viata mea,
Ca m-a facut sa te iubesc
Mai mult decat pe fiinta mea.
Dar cum as putea ca sa blestem,
Ce mi-a adus mai drag in viata...?
Cand fara tine eu ma simt
Pierduta in desert, fara speranta.
Dintr-o greseala am ajuns sa ne intalnim
Dintr-o greseala n-as vrea sa ne despartim...
Sa ne iubim mereu as vrea,
Sa fii aproape de inima mea.
duminică, 18 iulie 2010
A true friendship
Is like a rainbow in the afternoon,
You see it’s beauty
But you can’t touch it’s colours.
A friend for ever
It’s the sunrise in the morning,
The orange sky
You want for life.
A friend that’s near
It’s like a hug in sadness time,
You want it’s tiedness
To keep you warm.